If you have water damage at your property in Everett, WA, you need water damage restoration services to help minimize the damage and begin the drying and repairing process. Any delay in getting the damage restored can worsen the problem. Not only do you need to remove the water, but you also need to identify the source of the problem and fix it. The water damage could also be a safety hazard for the occupants of the property. You can contact us at GotRot to get water damage restoration services in Everett, WA, and surrounding locations.  

What Causes Water Damage? 

There are several causes of water damage. While some types of damage result in a sudden surge of water, other damage might result in minor leaks. Both types of damage can cause issues and need to be fixed. Here are the most common causes of water damage:

Photo of a Man Repairing Ceiling

Burst Pipes 

Burst, broken, or leaking pipes can cause water damage. Most properties have numerous water pipes including sink pipes and sewage pipes. The pipes can be located in the exterior walls, interior walls, basement, and other parts of the property. Corrosion and blockages are the top causes of burst pipes. Unfortunately, water pipes can burst without warning so quick action is needed to limit the damage. 

Roof Leaks 

A leaking roof can be extremely frustrating. This type of damage can cause a lot of damage, including mold growth, structural damage, and damage to property inside the building. If you notice any signs of water marks on the ceiling, that could be an early indicator of water damage that needs to be addressed. Causes of roof leaks include clogged gutters, damaged chimneys, or water pooling. 


Flooding can be caused by weather events such as heavy rainfall, which can overwhelm the drainage system. If the water flows into your home, it can cause damage to the appliances, flooring, structural damage, and mold growth. 

Sewer Backup 

Sewage backup can also cause water damage as the water can backflow into the property. Water damage from a sewage backup is also a health hazard and the water can be contaminated. Sewage backup can result in electrical damage, mold growth, and foul odors. In some cases, it can cause respiratory issues from the gases released from contaminated water. 

Water Damage Restoration Services 

Water damage restoration includes different types of services and methods to help reduce damage to the property and restore it to its pre-damage condition. This could involve cleaning, drying, sanitizing, and repairing the property. Here is more about our water damage restoration services:


Generally, the first step of water damage restoration is to perform a comprehensive inspection of the damaged area. With our experience, it doesn’t take us long to identify the source of the problem. Once we have identified the source, we will offer our recommendation to address the water damage issue. In some cases, more than one solution can be available, so you can choose how you want us to proceed. 

Water Extraction 

To remove the water from the structure, we will use a water extraction process. This could include using a professional-grade water pump or a powerful dehumidifier to remove the moisture. 

Structural Drying and Sanitization

Once the standing water has been removed, we will dry the area using high-powered fans or other specialized tools. Deep drying may be needed in cases of excessive moisture. In some cases, sanitization is needed to ensure the water damage does not cause any mold growth. 

Structural Repairs 

If needed, we will perform repair services to fix any damages or broken parts of the plumbing system or other parts of the house. The type of repair needed depends on several factors, including the severity and location of the water damage. If the water damage has extended to the foundation or supporting structures of the property, then more extensive repairs might be needed. 

Final Inspection 

The final inspection includes a complete check of the restored area. This helps us ensure there is no water damage left behind and that final results meet the high standards expected from GotRot. 

In some cases, water damage can lead to dry rot issues that can spread through the property. If there is an issue of dry rot at your property, we can perform our dry rot repair service to identify and fix the issue. 

Contact us to Get Water Damage Restoration in  Everett, WA

If your property has water damage, you should call us. At GotRot, our team is skilled, trained, and experienced in all types of water damage. One of our experts can visit your location to assess the damage and offer a solution to restore your property to its pre-damage condition. Our goal is to offer our customers the most reliable and cost-effective solution and that is why we have been successful in building a loyal customer base. If you have any questions about our water damage restoration services or want to schedule a visit, contact us. 

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