Photo of a damaged house

Thousands of people suffer injuries and fatalities each year in house fires in the U.S. How do these fires start? From a gas leak to defective electricals, laundry appliances overheating, or an accident with an outdoor barbecue, there are countless ways a fire can begin.

If there has been a fire, you will probably find yourself overwhelmed, wondering what to do after a house fire. You might worry about the steps for insurance claims, whether it is safe to re-enter the home, or if it’s possible to recover any possessions after clean-up and repair. The home repair and restoration experts at GotRot have put together this guide to help you get things back to normal.

Steps to Take After a House Fire

Safety first

After a fire, confirm all family members in your household are safe and sound. This includes pets. Sometimes, you might not be able to stay on your property due to safety concerns, so find temporary housing. Even after the fire is out, remember, the health risks are still there. The air could be toxic with smoke and soot particles. Water used to douse the flames may cause mold or weaken the structure of your home.

There is also a risk of gas leaks and electrical dangers in wet areas. Fire departments, for safety, might disconnect your utilities. Wearing protective gear like an N-95 mask is advisable if you must enter, but only do so after getting the green light from authorities.

Contact insurance promptly

Reach out to your insurance agent without delay. Homeowner’s policies usually cover living expenses if your home is uninhabitable, including costs for a hotel stay, temporary housing, and even meals. The sooner you start this process, the quicker you can access these benefits.

Your agent will guide you on documenting the damage to your personal property and finding you a place to stay and covering living costs. They can also connect you with restoration companies that repair fire and smoke damage. Some companies coordinate directly with your homeowners’ insurance provider to manage the cleanup after a fire. It’s important to know who pays for what in the restoration process, so always ask for agreements in writing.

Getting a fire report is also a step you should never skip. Your local fire department is responsible for providing fire reports, and it will give your insurance more details to work with.

Seek community assistance

But what if you do not have insurance? If you are paying off a mortgage, you still need to keep up with payments and interest even after a fire. Without insurance, costs for lost personal items fall on you, which can be financially overwhelming. However, you are not without options. A local disaster relief agency can offer support. If the fire was not your fault, consulting an attorney might be a path to consider.

Organizations like the Salvation Army and the American Red Cross offer essentials like food, clothing, and temporary shelter. Your local religious and civic groups may also have programs for disaster victims. Check with your state or municipal emergency services for more structured support. Your local government office can direct you to these resources, so you do not overlook any available help.

Contact a fire damage restoration company

Your home’s restoration begins with a professional assessment. A dedicated service provider like GotRot can inspect your home to understand the extent of the structural damage and devise a plan for repair and restoration. With a long-standing reputation, we are recognized by many insurance companies, which means we can help make sure your claims process goes through smoothly.

We specialize in making fire-damaged homes safe again by addressing everything from structural repairs to dealing with water damage and smoke residue. Our process not only includes assessment but also thorough cleaning, repairs, and consultations on preventing future incidents. With our fire damage restoration services and specialized equipment, your journey back to normal can be less stressful and more streamlined.

Take care of your documents

As soon as you realize your financial documents or cards have been compromised or damaged, contact your bank and credit card companies. Ask for replacements for any lost or damaged debit or credit cards and checkbooks. Some banks offer emergency cash services and expedite new cards.

If bank statements or other financial documents were lost, request digital or paper copies. These may be needed for insurance claims or when replacing other important documents.

Also, make a list of all important documents that were destroyed such as driver’s licenses, passports, Social Security cards, birth certificates, marriage certificates, and property deeds; you will need to reach out to the respective government agencies to have them replaced.

Is Post-Fire Recovery Possible?

Ever think about how hot a house fire can get? According to, at floor level, the temperature might be around 100 degrees Fahrenheit, but by the time you get to eye level, it can skyrocket to 600 degrees. That’s hot enough to cause severe harm if you breathe it in.

This intense heat not only causes house burns; it makes the structure of your home unstable. After a fire, your insurance company will likely send someone to look over the damage. Their job is to determine if your home can be fixed up or if it’s safer to just tear it down and start fresh.

If it turns out your home can be saved, you are looking at a major clean-up job. Fire damage is not only about what you can see. The heat, smoke inhalation, and soot from the fire can sneak into places you would not think of and damage your belongings and the property itself. Moreover, the standing water used to put out the fire might cause further damage.

Photo of a house restoration fron porch

Our Experienced Team will Move Fast to Help Restore Your Property

Fire damage is not always obvious, so consider bringing in the GotRot pros as soon as possible. Our team of certified experts is trained specifically in fire and smoke damage, and we know exactly how to handle the aftermath of fires. To get started with your house fire recovery, reach us online or call 206-312-5168.

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