The fire restoration services provided by GotRot in Seattle mean that you will get a team of professionals who will repair and restore your property after it has been damaged by fire, soot, or smoke. We offer an emergency response, tarp-up, boarding, odor removal, sanitation, clean-up, content restoration, and reconstruction services. We can also work with insurance companies to help you with the claims process. Our fire restoration services include small and large-scale disasters for residential and commercial properties. Call us today.

Person Dealing With Fire Restoration

Why Should You Call in Professionals for Your Fire Damage Repair in Seattle?

You should call in the team of fire restoration professionals from GotRot in Seattle for your fire damage repairs because:

  • We can clean and restore your home safely, preventing you from risking your own health.
  • We are familiar with insurance companies and the insurance process, so they can provide guidance for you.
  • We have the expertise and equipment needed to get the job done to your satisfaction as quickly as possible.
  • We can reverse smoke damage and target smoke odor and ash particles before they cause more damage.

How Does the Fire Restoration Process Work?

The steps involved in fire damage restoration of a building are:

  • After an emergency, you call GotRot to request a restoration specialist to come to your property or building.
  • Our team will conduct a thorough inspection and assessment of the damage caused by the fire, smoke, and soot.
  • We will then board up and add roof tarps to secure the property from further damage and prevent water intrusion.
  • When necessary, we will conduct a thorough water removal process to prevent mold and other problems from occurring.
  • We will conduct a full removal of soot and smoke damage using specialized techniques and cleaning products.
  • We will clean and sanitize any surfaces affected by the fire using special cleaning agents and equipment.
  • Finally, we will build or repair any damaged areas, such as walls, flooring, and cabinets.

These steps can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks depending on the extent of the damage.

Is It Possible to Salvage Any Personal Items After a Fire in Seattle?

You may be able to salvage some personal belongings after a fire in Seattle, depending on the extent of the damage and the type of items you are considering. Here are some tips to help you decide: 

  • Contact your insurance agent as soon as possible to file a claim and get advice on what to do with your belongings in Seattle.
  • Wear protective clothing, like gloves, goggles, a mask, and a long-sleeve shirt and pants, when handling your belongings to avoid exposure to hazardous materials.
  • Do not touch or move any items that are touched by flames, as they are most likely non-salvageable and should be declared a total loss.
  • Do not use water or any other cleaning solution on your items since this will drive soot and ash further into the surface and make them impossible to remove.
  • As soon as possible, vacuum the soot and ash off your items using a HEPA filter and low suction. Do not use a brush or let the nozzle touch the surface.
  • Hire a Seattle professional restoration contractor from GotRot. We can pack, track, transport, clean, restore, store, and return your salvageable personal property.

Even though there might be some items that you will lose forever, knowing that some of them might be able to be salvaged, can bring you some comfort at a time when you have suffered a devastating loss.

What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Fire Restoration Service From GotRot in Seattle?

Hiring a fire restoration service in Seattle can have many benefits for you and your property such as:

  • Smoke or odor removal – We use proper machines and equipment to rid your home of noxious and unsafe smells that can harm your health and damage your belongings.
  • Reconstruction – We can help you repair any structural damage that the fire caused, or clean and restore any items that can be salvaged.
  • Water – We can check and fix your water supply if it was affected by the fire, and prevent any contamination that could harm you or your property.
  • Immediate help – We can respond to your emergency quickly and efficiently, and help you salvage your home in the first days following a fire, which are crucial for minimizing the damage. 

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